Community Trigger
The purpose of the Community Trigger is to enable victims of anti-social behaviour to request a review of their case and bring together relevant bodies to find a solution.
The Community Trigger Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review is part of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, and was introduced across North Wales on 20th October 2014.
You can request for your case to be reviewed by a panel (Anti-social Behaviour Tasking Group) providing it meets certain criteria. The review panel will be drawn from relevant organisations that will look collectively at the issues you have reported. They will also look at any actions that have been undertaken to determine if that action was adequate based on reasonable expectations and timescales. The review panel may make recommendations for further action to be taken in order to try to resolve the problem.
The purpose of the Community Trigger is to review specific cases and actions that have been taken as a result of the anti-social behaviour incidents being reported. The emphasis will be to ensure that appropriate levels of enforcement and support are either in place or have been considered.
A Community Trigger case review is not a complaints process. If you want to make a complaint about an individual's conduct, you must use the complaints procedure of that individual's specific organisation.
Threshold and Qualifying Complaints
- To activate a Community Trigger a qualifying complaint must have been made to one of the relevant bodies.
A qualifying complaint would be:
- Three reports from one person;
- Regarding three separate incidents of anti-social behaviour; and
- Reported to any local agency within a six month period
The following criteria must also apply:
- To meet the threshold each incident must have been reported to at least one of the relevant bodies within one month of the incident occurring
- The first reported incident must be within six months of applying for a case review under the Community Trigger procedure
- A Qualifying Complaint can be either a closed or open anti-social behaviour case to any relevant body in Conwy or Denbighshire
- Community Trigger can also be activated by a third party such as an MP, AM, local councillor, community group, or a carer for a vulnerable person or for someone with disabilities that would prevent them from requesting a case review themselves
A third party can only request a case review on behalf of a victim if they have the victim's signed consent. Checks will be made to ensure that third party requests are genuine; the victim will be contacted to ensure that they are happy with the request being made.
How can you request a community trigger case review?
Complete and return one of the forms below:
- Email stating you wish to invoke the community trigger. The Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator will then contact you directly
- Telephone 01492 575177 and inform the operator that you wish to invoke the community trigger. The Anti-social Behaviour Co-ordinator will be informed and will contact you directly
- Write to the Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator at:
Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator
PO Box 1
Colwyn Bay
LL29 0GG