Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

Introduction to Compassionate Leadership

Summary (optional)
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Course details:

 Introduction to Compassionate Leadership

DateTimeVenueTrainerTargeted ServicesTarget Group
 28th January 2025 13:15 arrival for tea/coffee and registration   Coed Pella  Social Care Wales Business & Transformation, Older People, Community Wellbeing, Quality Standards, Disability Team, Vulnerable People Team, Family Support & Intervention, Youth Justice Service, Children Looked After, Foster Carers, Commissioned Services All services


Course aims and objectives:

The session will look at the importance of compassion for improving outcomes, staff well-being and organisational culture.

In the session, we’ll:

  • learn about the behaviours of compassionate leadership
  • understand the difference compassionate leadership can make
  • discuss practical ways you can use the principles of compassionate leadership in practice

For further information, or if you have booked a place on the course and have not received notification to attend please contact the Workforce Development & Learning Administrative Team. Please do not turn up to any course unless you have received notification of your place as the event may be fully booked. 

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