Course Details
- Time: 9.30am - 12.30pm
- Venue: Zoom
- Trainer: Paul Jones
- Targeted services: Business & Transformation, Older People & HSW, Community Wellbeing, Quality Standards, Disability Team, Vulnerable People Team, Family Support & Intervention, Youth Justice Service, Looked After Children, Foster Carers, Commissioned Services
- Target group: This is aimed at individuals who have completed Group B Safeguarding within the last 3 Years
Course aims and objectives
- Gain a greater knowledge of the learning from practice reviews concerning engagement with fathers.
- Consider good practice tips when working with fathers / father figures.
- For you to develop your skills and confidence in working with fathers in the safeguarding arena.
For further information, or if you have booked a place on the course and have not received notification to attend please contact the Workforce Development & Learning Administrative Team. Please do not turn up to any course unless you have received notification of your place as the event may be fully booked.