Course Details
- Time: 9:15am arrival for tea/coffee and registration
9.30am - 16.30pm
- Venue: Coed Pella
- Trainer: Paul Jones
- Targeted services: Business & Transformation, Older People & HSW, Community Wellbeing, Quality Standards, Disability Team, Vulnerable People Team, Family Support & Intervention, Youth Justice Service, Looked After Children, Foster Carers, Commissioned Services
- Target group: This is aimed at individuals who have completed Group B Safeguarding within the last 3 Years
Course aim
To provide you with the skills, strategies and knowledge to assess and work therapeutically with male perpetrators of Domestic Abuse.
Learning Outcomes
- How to carry out an in-depth assessment of a perpetrator of domestic abuse.
- To be able to assist men to take responsibility for their abusive and controlling behaviours.
- Be able to work with the father in acknowledging the impact and the consequences of their abusive behaviours.
- To develop and gain confidence in using new skills and strategies to reflect on incidents and affect change.
- Address our own anxieties of working with perpetrators and what steps to take place to keep everyone safe during this therapeutic intervention – Mum, Children, Dad and ourselves.
For further information, or if you have booked a place on the course and have not received notification to attend please contact the Workforce Development & Learning Administrative Team. Please do not turn up to any course unless you have received notification of your place as the event may be fully booked.