Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

Planning Committee 8th January 2025

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Meeting held on the 8th Janaury 2025

Planning Committee 08/01/2025

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  1. Deferred applications from the previous Committee meeting a) Code Ref: 0/51286 - Proposed demolition of 11 Gorwel to facilitate highway access and erection of 43 no. dwellings (13 no. affordable) with associated public open space, landscaping and means of highway access and pedestrian connectivity. 11 Gorwel, Llanfairfechan, Conwy, LL33 0DS - 00:05:00
  2. To consider the following reports: a) Code Ref: 0/51592 - Change of use of former B1/B8 building to restoration of classic cars, side extension, storage containers and area of hardstanding for vehicle storage. Jacksonville, Towyn Way West, Towyn, Conwy, LL22 9LG - 01:01:00
  3. To consider the following reports: B) That the Development and Building Control Manager be authorised to determine the application under delegation. b) Code Ref: 0/52098 - Change of use of existing sweet shop to visitor information centre. Construction of replacement sweet shop and covered outdoor amenity/activity facility on site of former snow leopard enclosure. Formation of stepped and ramped access to new facilities. Welsh Mountain Zoo, Old Highway, Colwyn Bay, Conwy, LL28 5UY. - 01:18:00

    Click here for the agenda and minutes of this meeting.

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