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Scrutiny: Economy and Place 18th December 2024

Summary (optional)
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Meeting held on the 18th December 2024

Economy and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee 18/12/2024

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  1. Minutes: To approve and sign as a correct record minutes of the previous meeting. (Pages 3 - 10) - 00:03:00
  2. To review the Forward Work Programmes: i) Economy and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme (Pages 11 - 19) ii) Combined Forward Work Programme (Pages 20 - 43) - 00:03:00
  3. Questions to Cabinet Members - 00:00:00
  4. To consider the following Crime and Disorder Matters: i) To receive a presentation from Andy Dunbobbin, Police and Crime Commissioner, in regard to the North Wales Police and Crime Plan - 00:05:00
  5. To consider the following Crime and Disorder Matters: ii) Community Safety Partnership Performance and Statistical Annual Update April 2023- March 2024, together with a scrutiny topic relating to the trading and use of ketamine by children in the County of Conwy (Pages 44 - 70) - 00:58:00

    Click here for the agenda and minutes of this meeting.

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