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Scrutiny Committee: Education and Skills 17th December 2024

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Meeting held on the 17th December 2024

Education & Skills Overview and Scrutiny Committee (17.12.24)

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  1. Minutes: To approve and sign as a correct record minutes of the previous meeting. (Pages 4 - 7) - 00:02:00
  2. Minutes of the School Budget Forum: i) 19 June 2024 (Pages 8 - 13) ii) 2 October 2024 (Pages 14 - 20) - 00:03:00
  3. Minutes of the Conwy Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (Pages 21 - 29) - 00:04:00
  4. Questions to Cabinet Members - 00:05:00
  5. To review the Forward Work Programmes: i) Education and Skills Forward Work Programme (Pages 30 - 34) ii) Combined Forward Work Programme (Pages 35 - 58) - 00:05:00
  6. To consider reports by the Head of Education Services on the following matters: i) Revisions to the procedure for the appointment of Local Authority Governors in schools (Pages 59 - 68) - 00:12:00
  7. Exempt Items: Local Government Act 1972, Section 100A and Schedule 12A (Access to Information) To consider passing a resolution under the provisions of Section 100A(4) of the above Act to exclude the Public and Press from the meeting for the following item(s), as it is likely that, if present, there would be disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12, 13, 14 and 15 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. (Pages 69 - 70) - 00:27:00

    Click here for the agenda and minutes of this meeting.

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