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Home Council Have your say Consultations Past Consultations Feedback on the Consultation Creu Conwy, Creating the Spark – A Cultural Strategy for Conwy County Borough 2021-2026.

Feedback on the Consultation Creu Conwy, Creating the Spark – A Cultural Strategy for Conwy County Borough 2021-2026.

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From 2nd August to 17th September 2021, we held a public consultation on a draft of Creu Conwy, Creating the Spark – A Cultural Strategy for Conwy County Borough 2021-2026.
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There were 185 valid responses to the questionnaire survey. The vast majority of respondents supported all key aims of the strategy;

  • The cultural activities we develop will be ‘adventurous, playful and connected' (support 89.7%)
  • We will create cultural ‘Launchpads’ in our largest towns that will act as regeneration hubs for the benefit of their surrounding areas (support 90.2%)
  • We will establish creative ‘Town Teams’ to take ownership of cultural projects at community level (support 88.5%)
  • We will make culture accessible to everyone and a big part of everyday life in Conwy (support 95.7%)
  • Visitors to Conwy will be wowed by Conwy’s culture (support 91.8%)
  • Conwy’s cultural offer is unique and cutting edge (support 82.5%)

The consultation also offered the facility for respondents to add their own ‘free text’ comments and 156 comments were submitted for this section.

The key points were:

  • The need for a model of respectful and sustainable tourism that does not impact negatively upon Conwy’s environment, language and communities, including concerns over the impact of cultural tourism upon climate change.
  • The importance of ensuring that communities have real input and are able to take the lead on projects, supported by the right cultural industry specialists.
  • The importance of the Welsh language, but also the need to bring in other cultural traditions and minority groups/languages as well as ensuring that activity is accessible to those who may need additional support to engage.
  • The need to ensure that the Launchpad model realises benefits for surrounding smaller communities and towns.
  • Areas identified as barriers to success were lack of transport (especially rural and evening) and lack of community infrastructure and resources to deliver.

The most popular areas for project development were around:

  • Outdoor performance
  • Joined up promotion and development of agricultural shows and festivals
  • Welsh language
  • Young people and intergenerational projects
  • Literature and creative writing
  • Projects exploring other cultures and celebrating cultural diversity both at home and internationally,
  • Music and comedy nights
  • Links to science and geology
  • Environmental projects / green towns
  • Creative and digital industries
  • Supporting the freelance sector
  • Supporting and promoting local talent and products/produce
  • Landscape focussed projects – walks, talks and tours
  • Culture guides / ambassadors.

We should like to thank all the people who responded. With the amends made following the public consultation, the Strategy was approved by Conwy’s Cabinet on 23rd November 2021.The final version of the Strategy can be viewed at Creu Conwy – Creating the Spark, a Cultural Strategy for Conwy County Borough 2021-2026 - Conwy County Borough Council.

Detailed action plans will now be produced and projects will be prioritised, developed and delivered over the next five years.

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