We are responsible for delivering services to the people who live, work in, and visit Conwy and we are committed to providing equality of opportunity for everyone. That includes our staff.
Our Staff
Employees and potential employees can expect us to:
- Create a culture in which our staff are recognised and valued
- Promote a working environment that entitles all employees to dignity and respect
- Review the way we do things regularly to ensure they reflect legislation, published codes of practice and best practice
We are a Disability Confident employer. In ensuring equal opportunity, we welcome all people, and we actively encourage staff to challenge how we approach equalities. We address equality issues and promote awareness by supporting Equality Champions, made up of nominated staff from each service area.
We review information about our workforce every year as part of our employment monitoring report. We use this information to identify equality issues and plan how to address them.
Our Culture
Our guiding principles:
- Celebrating diversity and difference
- Inclusiveness and accessibility
- Eliminating discrimination and disadvantage
- Accountability
Our Strategic Equality Plan supports the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act, in creating a more equal Wales, as well as supporting our Corporate Plan commitments. Our equality objectives aim to promote equality and prevent discrimination and we work with partners across North Wales in delivering this. Each service has actions within the plan.
Our Community
Our aim is to be people focused in our service delivery; providing appropriate, accessible and effective services and facilities to meet the needs of our community.
We recognise the benefits of debate in our decision making and service planning. We also understand the importance of involving everyone, including protected groups, as part of our processes and we have done this when developing our Equality Plan.