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Home Resident Parking, Roads and Travel Roads and Pavements Sandy Cove Estate - Consultation Feedback

Sandy Cove Estate - Consultation Feedback

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About the consultation

The consultation ran from 16 May to 5 June 2022, giving stakeholders, residents and members of the public an opportunity to give feedback on the ideas.

We received 55 responses to the consultation.

Most responses were from people who lived in or near Sandy Cove permanently (89%)

Consultation responses

Most respondents (67%) were very unhappy with the existing roads on the Sandy Cove estate but 11% were happy or very happy with the existing roads.

Most respondents (61%) were very happy with the ideas to upgrade roads and other facilities on the Sandy Cove estate, but 17% were unhappy or very unhappy about the ideas.

We asked whether respondents felt the suggested ideas would help to:

  • Improve cycling access – 67% agreed or strongly agreed, 13% disagreed or strongly disagreed
  • Improve walking and wheeling access – 82% agreed or strongly agreed, 7% disagreed or strongly disagreed
  • Improve vehicle access – 80% agreed or strongly agreed, 14% disagreed or strongly disagreed
  • Improve parking – 64% agreed or strongly agreed, 20% disagreed or strongly disagreed
  • Improve greenspaces – 59% agreed or strongly agreed, 15% disagreed or strongly disagreed
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