Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

Section 5 (Wales Safeguard Procedures) Position of Trust

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Morning sessions,  9:30am to 12:30pm  (9:15am arrival for tea/coffee and registration)

  • 2024:  4 July,  4 December

Afternoon sessions,  1:30pm to 4:30pm  (1:15pm arrival for tea/coffee and registration)

  • 2024:  12 September

Course details

  • Venue:  Coed Pella, Colwyn Bay
  • Trainer:  Alys Jones, Conwy Adult Safeguarding Lead
  • Targeted services:  Business & Transformation, Community Wellbeing, Disability Team, Family Support & Intervention, Children Looked After, Commissioned Services, Older People & HSW, Quality Standards, Vulnerable People Team Youth Justice Service, Foster Carers, Conwy Workforce Development & Learning Team
  • Target group:  Team, Section, Service Managers

Course aims and objectives

  • Ensure a robust understanding of the Section 5 process.
  • Ensure individual responsibility for decision making.
  • Understand your role as a manager when dealing with potential Section 5 cases and in providing appropriate support.
  • Understand the legislative context as regards the Section 5 process.
  • Build a consistent approach across the authority in response to Section 5 cases.
  • Identify confidence and competence in this area of practice, and additional support needs.

For further information, or if you have booked a place on the course and have not received notification to attend please contact the Workforce Development & Learning Administrative Team.  Please do not turn up to any course unless you have received notification of your place as the event may be fully booked.

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