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Conwy Excellence Fund – applications open until 7 February

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Conwy Excellence Fund – applications open until 7 February

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Conwy Excellence Fund

Applications are now open for the latest round of Conwy County Borough Council’s Excellence Fund for young people who are talented in sport, education or the arts.

The Conwy Excellence Fund gives grants to those aged under 30 years old who are either competing at a national level in sport or are talented in the arts, dance, music, drama and education. The Fund aims to help them reach their potential through training and development.

It can be used for a range of support including the purchase of equipment, training, travel or accommodation. Grants are available up to the value of £800. 

Applications for this current round of funding need to be received by 7 February. More information about the Excellence Fund and details of how to apply are on the Conwy website:

Posted on 09/01/2025

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