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Home News News items Have your say on the night-time economy

Have your say on the night-time economy

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Have your say on the night-time economy

Conwy County Borough Council is carrying out a survey about providing a safe and sustainable night-time economy in the County.

The night-time economy covers activities which take place after 6pm and before 6am, and includes things like eating out in a restaurant or going to an event or concert.

The survey is part of a wider project looking at improving and futureproofing Conwy’s visitor economy. The Council is keen for visitors, residents and businesses to get involved. It’s looking for peoples’ opinions on what they see as the challenges and opportunities, and any ideas or suggestions for how they would like the night-time economy to look.

The results of the survey will help to create a strategy and action plan which will link in with the aims and objectives of the Conwy Destination Plan and Economic Growth Strategy.

Cllr Nigel Smith, Cabinet Member for a Sustainable Economy, said “We’re keen to hear people’s thoughts and ideas about the night time economy in the County. We’re hoping to get as much information as we can, and have already consulted with businesses and Town and Community Councils. We want to help the County create a prosperous economy, as stated in our Corporate Plan, and we’re keen to have a strategy for the night time economy that can contribute towards this.”

The survey is available until 21 July, and can be accessed online:

For more information contact: email , call 01492 575970. 

Posted on 11/07/2024

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