All completed questionnaires will be entered into a free prize draw to win a year's free gym membership! (Contact details or Ffitcard No: CCB required to enter into draw)
Do you have a Conwy Ffit card?
How long have you used Conwy leisure centres?
Are you aware that improvements have been made to our fitness suites?
Do you think your membership gives you value for money?
Which leisure facility/ies do you usually attend?
Are you aware of the leisure centre opening times?
What days do you usually visit the leisure centres?
What time of day do you usually visit the leisure centres:
On average, how often do you visit the leisure centres?
Would you be affected if leisure centres closed earlier in the day?
Review of Bookings and Services at each site
Would you consider changing the time that you usually exercise?
Would you consider attending an alternative leisure centre?
Would you consider utilising online fitness classes/sessions provided?
Was your experience in contacting leisure to book a fitness session/class an overall positive experience?
Was your enquiry answered promptly?
How often do you call to book a session?
Do you usually just arrive at a leisure centre hoping that there will be a space in a fitness session/class?
Investment & better use of technology
Do you have access to the internet?
Do you have a smartphone?
Would you use an app to make bookings/payments for leisure servies if this was an option?
Are you aware of our online booking facility?
Have you ever booked any sessions/classes online?
Would you like to receive more advertising information and special offers on leisure services?
How would you prefer to receive this information?
How do you currently pay for your leisure services?
Please answer the next set of questions for monitoring purposes only
Thank you for your Feedback
Please click on the 'Submit' button to finish.
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