Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

Premises Licence

Summary (optional)
To provide late-night refreshments and regulated entertainment, and sell alcohol, you need a licence from the local authority. Applicants must not be under 18 years of age, and are entitled to work in the United Kingdom.  
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How to Apply

Applications must be sent to the licensing authority for the area in which the premises are located. Applicants are required to advertise their application and to give notice of the application to any other person or responsible Authority

Applications must be in a specific format and be accompanied by any required fee. An operating schedule, a plan of the premises and a form of consent from the premises supervisor (for applications where the sale of alcohol will be a licensable activity).An operating schedule will include details of:

  • the licensable activities
  • the times when the activities will take place
  • any other times when the premises will be open to the public
  • in the case of applicants who wish to have a limited licence, the period the licence is required for
  • information in respect of the premises supervisor
  • whether any alcohol that is to be sold is for consumption on or of the premises or both
  • the steps proposed to be taken to promote the licensing objectives
  • any other required information


The fee for the application is dependent on the national non-domestic rateable value of the premises.

 Type of applicationBand A None - £4,300
Band B
£4,301 – £33,000
Band C
 £33,001 – £87,000
Band D
£87,001 – £125,000
Band E
£125,001 +
Premises Licence* Application & variation  £100 £190 £315 £450 £635
Minor Variation £89 £89 £89 £89 £89
Annual Renewal  £70 £180 £295 £320 £350

*there are additional fees for premises licence applications, and the annual fee for exceptionally large scale events (5000+) please contact the licensing office.

Other fees
Theft, loss etc of premises licence or summary  £10.50
Notification of change of Address  £10.50
Application to vary a licence to specify individual as Premises supervisor  £23.00
Application to transfer of premises licence  £23.00
Interim authority notice following death etc of licence holder £23.00

The licensing authority must grant the application, which can be subject to conditions, providing no representations are received. A hearing must be held if any representations are made in respect of the application. If a hearing is held the licence can be granted or granted subject to additional conditions, licensable activities listed in the application can be excluded or the application can be rejected.

The licensing authority will serve a notice of its decision on the applicant, any person who has made relevant representations and the chief of police.

Legislation and Conditions

Licensing Act 2003

Processing and Timescales

We must deal with your application within 28 days and check the public notice is displayed, the premises may be in inspected before your application is considered.

After the 28 days, providing no representations have been made the licence is deemed as granted. 

If representations have been made and mediation cannot be reached a Hearing of the Licensing and Regulation Sub-Committee will be arranged. The Committee may grant the Certificate, grant with modifications or reject the application. 

Appeal/Redress mechanisms:

  • If an application is rejected, the applicant may appeal the decision.
  • Appeals must be made to the magistrate’s court within 21 days of the decision.
  • A licence holder can also appeal against a decision to put conditions on a certificate or to exclude any club activity.

Contact Details:

Licensing Section,
PO Box 1,
LL30 9GN

See also

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