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Hackney Carriage Vehicle Grant

Summary (optional)
A Hackney Carriage vehicle is any vehicle capable of carrying up to eight passengers for reward/benefit, a hackney Carriage can be hired on a rank, be hailed in the street or booked through an operator.
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Our new online process makes applying and renewing licences quicker and easier. As part of the ongoing modernisation of our licensing service.

The Hackney Carriage Vehicle licence is valid for a period of 12 months. The Driver and vehicle must be licenced by the same authority and Hackney Carriage zone. Conwy County Borough Council hasthree Hackney Carriage zones; Conwy Rural, Llandudno and Colwyn.

How to Apply

Applicants must ensure the vehicle complies with the Hackney carriage Licencing Conditions, and be tested by a CCBC authorised testing station and gain the Certificate of Compliance (COC).

The Vehicle must have the correct insurance documents clearly stating that the vehicle is insured for “hire and reward” or "plying for hire".

Please read the following supplementary Information:

Advertising Policy (PDF)

Vehicle Specification Policy (PDF)

Hackney Carriage Byelaws (PDF)

List Of Approved COC Testing Stations (PDF)

To complete the online application form, please have the following digitized documents.

You’ll need:

  • Insurance Documents
  • Certificate of Compliance (COC) Test
  • Vehicle(s) V5 certificate
  • Name, address and telephone number of Private Hire Operator
  • Fee of £246

Please contact the Licensing Office if you are at all unsure whether your vehicle would be licensed. The Council has the discretion to grant or refuse the licence. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in writing within 14 days of the decision being taken.

New Tariff Cards

The new tariff card will come into effect from the 18th of February 2022, all meters must be recalibrated to the new tariff no later than the 1st of March 2022.

The tariff card must be displayed at all times in every hackney carriage or private hire vehicle fitted with a meter.

The tariff must be displayed in a prominent place where the public may view it at any time.

The format of the tariff card on display must not be altered (other than enlarging).

Should you choose not to calibrate your meter to the maximum fare permitted, you must inform the Licensing Department in writing of the fare you wish to charge within seven days of receipt of this notification. You must also display the fare you propose to charge bilingually in a similar format in a prominent place where the public may view it at any time.

Hackney Carriage Fare Card (PDF, 148KB)


Hackney CarriageFee





Change of Proprietor/Owner


Transfer of Vehicle




Internal Plate


Administration Charge


Paper Licence (replacement) £23.00

ID Badge (replacement) £17.00

Advertising (application) £61.00

The Council has the discretion to grant or refuse the licence

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application in writing within 14 days of the decision being taken.

Useful Information

The Certificate of Compliance (COC) test will be of MOT standard plus additional checks. It must be carried out every six months, and as the Council applied for an exemption from the Ministry Of Transport, there is no need for the holder of a valid Hackney Vehicle Licence and COC, to have the vehicle tested separately for an MOT.

The test report should be completed and signed by the inspecting /mechanic engineer. This should then be returned to the Licensing Office.

Legislation and Conditions

Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions Act ) Act 1976

Processing and Timescales

Once fee has been paid and all the associated documentation is submitted to policy, the licence can take up to 28 days to be produced.

Appeal/Redress mechanisms:

The applicant would be able to appeal any decision by way of complaint to the Magistrates’ Court within 21 days of being notified of the Council’s decision.

Contact Details:

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