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Bay Life Masterplan - Our vision for Colwyn Bay

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The masterplan has been developed as an integral part of the Bay Life Programme, through local consultation and stakeholder workshops to guide the physical regeneration.
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The masterplan provides a framework for the physical regeneration of the town focussing on four key areas of change to establish Colwyn Bay as a regional centre for business and leisure. The four areas for change are Parc Eirias, Waterfront, Town Centre and the housing renewal area.

These present the basic ingredients for a newly invented Colwyn Bay which operates as a complete town serving the needs of its residents and visitors. The masterplan brings all of the ideas and initiatives into one integrated strategy for change. The masterplan isn't a blueprint, it provides a framework for ideas, aspirations and concepts encouraging investment in the town by both the community and businesses.

Colwyn Bay Masterplan (LDP10) (PDF)

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