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Home Business Economic Development Funding European Territorial Co-operation Programmes – 2014 - 2020

European Territorial Co-operation Programmes – 2014 - 2020

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European Territorial Co-operation Programme (ETC) 2014-2020 provides opportunities for regions in the EU to work together to address common social, economic and environmental challenges. Wales is involved in four programmes:

European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) is better known as Interreg.  Interreg V is the 2014-2020 Programming period.

The following is a summary of the Interreg V programmes:

  • INTERREG VB - North West Europe – to address territorial issues across the area. 
  • INTERREG VBAtlantic Area - transnational cooperation in the development of the Atlantic Area and its maritime heritage. 
  • INTERREG VC - Interreg Europe - to encourage exchange and transfer countries experiences in regional policy and jointly improve and develop regional policy approaches and instruments. 
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