Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

Case study: Marie

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Marie is a single parent with two small children who suffers with her mental health due to overwhelming anxiety.

Marie was referred to the Conwy Employment Hub and was assigned to Mel, one of the Hub’s experienced mentors. 

Mel first met Marie at her local community centre and it was clear that she was not able to manage her anxiety.  Mel set about taking small steps with Marie by meeting often but only for short periods to help build trust and communication which would result in her feeling more comfortable.  Although this was a successful plan, there were many times when Marie cancelled the appointments due to her anxiety levels but Mel persisted and even when the Coronavirus pandemic hit and we all went into Lockdown, Mel kept in regular contact with Marie by phone.

Lockdown was hard for most people but during it Marie thrived and she seemed more settled and less anxious, and her confidence grew to the point where she was able to contact her utility providers to discuss her bills and seek support.  This was a major step for Marie and as Mel said;  “by doing this herself, she was able to give herself a well-earned pat on the back which has boosted her confidence”.

From this one step, Marie progressed to searching for a job and through her determination and drive, she secured a work trial in a café.  Mel was able to work with Marie on securing costs from the barrier fund to provide Marie with suitable work clothing, shoes and a bus pass.  The trial went so well that Marie was offered 16 hours a week by the employer, and her parents were only too happy to look after the children while she’s at work.

Marie is now working full-time and she’s thriving and enjoying every minute working in a busy café.

If you would like us to help you, please call us on 01492 575578.

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