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Strategic Equality Plan 2020-2024

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The Equality Act 2010 and the Statutory Duties (Wales) Regulations 2011 require all public bodies to review and publish equality objectives and a Strategic Equality Plan at least every 4 years, having considered relevant data and engaged with groups representing each of the protected characteristics.

This is Conwy County Borough Council’s third Strategic Equality Plan since the introduction of the Equality Act 2010 and it builds upon the work of previous plans that have been in place in Conwy since 2003.

This Plan describes the work that has been undertaken to identify our equality objectives in relation to each of the protected groups, and the Action Plan outlined in Appendix 1 shows how we intend to achieve these equality objectives with the aim of improving the experiences of all our citizens. We will report on our progress towards these objectives annually.

The objectives have been developed through engagement with our stakeholders, reviewing what local data tells us about persistent inequalities and in response to the recommendations made by the Equality Human Rights Commission in their “Is Wales Fairer 2018” report.

The legislation requires that our Plan is focused on achieving positive outcomes for employees and customers. We have tried to achieve this, whilst also aiming to ensure that equality is built in (mainstreamed) to our policies, functions and service delivery. We aim to make all our practices and policies fully inclusive, eliminating discrimination, promoting equality and embracing diversity in everything we do.

We will continue to challenge the way we provide services, develop policies and employ and retain people to ensure that everyone is treated fairly.

The following seven long term Equality Objectives have been adopted for Conwy

  • Objective 1: Outcomes in Education attainment and Wellbeing in Schools are Improved.
  • Objective 2: We will take action to ensure we are an equal opportunities employer and reduce pay gaps.
  • Objective 3: We will take action to improve the Living Standards of people disadvantaged by their protected characteristics.
  • Objective 4: We will improve Health, Wellbeing and Social Care outcomes.
  • Objective 5: We will improve Personal Security and Access to Justice.
  • Objective 6: Increase Access to Participation and improve diversity of decision making.
  • Objective 7: Develop our knowledge and understanding of the socio-economic duty (when guidance becomes available) to identify the key areas of impact to be addressed under each of our other 6 objectives. 


Related Documents

Strategic Equality Plan 2020-2024 - full document (Word)

Strategic Equality Plan 2020-2024 - Easy Read (Word)

Appendix 1 - SEP Action Plan (Excel)

Appendix 2 - North Wales Public Sector Equality Network Background Data and Research Document (Word)

Appendix 3 - Equality Objectives Mapped Against Relevant Plans (Word)

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