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Home Resident Crime and emergencies Preparing for Emergencies During an emergency – general advice

During an Emergency – general advice

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Serious and life threating emergencies or crisis are thankfully rare.
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The advice for most emergencies is:

GO IN, STAY IN, TUNE IN however if you are involved in an emergency, or see an incident, keep calm and take the following actions:

  • Call 999 and ask for Police, Fire or Ambulance
  • Follow the advice of the emergency responders
  • be aware of any elderly or vulnerable neighbours who may need your help
  • If advised to do so, be prepared to evacuate and follow instructions given
  • If you are not directly involved and in the absence of other advice or instruction, GO IN, STAY IN and TUNE IN.

Your safety is of paramount importance – stay calm, think and avoid putting yourself or others in unnecessary danger.

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service

Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust

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