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Home Resident Education, Children and Young People School Transport Consultation Feedback Part 7 - School transport for additional learning needs or medical needs

Feedback Report: Part 7 - School transport for additional learning needs or medical needs

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We give free school transport to any learner with transport specified on their Individual Development Plan (IDP) or Statement of Educational Needs.

Sometimes we give free school transport to other learners who have additional learning needs, a medical condition or a disability

Question 1:   Parents and carers (of learners with medical or additional learning needs and who live close to a school) should have to give evidence (from medical and/or educational professionals) before getting free school transport.

Question 2:  We should review the transport of learners with medical or additional learning needs each year and check if they can travel independently as they grow and develop.

Question 3:  We should keep supporting learners with medical or additional learning need to work towards travelling independently.

311 people answered these questions.

Responses to question 1

  • Strongly agree: 95
  • Agree: 123
  • Neutral: 31
  • Disagree: 29
  • Strongly disagree: 33

Responses to question 2

  • Strongly agree: 93
  • Agree: 119
  • Neutral: 29
  • Disagree: 35
  • Strongly disagree: 35

Responses to question 3

  • Strongly agree: 108
  • Agree: 121
  • Neutral: 43
  • Disagree: 18
  • Strongly disagree: 21

The rules

Learners must live:

  • 2 miles or more away from their nearest primary school
  • 3 miles or more away from their nearest high school

Most learners who get free transport have an IDP or Statement of Educational Needs.

Every year, we can check to make sure if their free transport is still needed.

They may, according to their needs, travel with a passenger assistant and in special vehicles.

Some comments

"I think each child and each case should be looked at individually. Different children live in different situations and have different capabilities."

"I believe the priority for free transport should be for children with additional needs."

"Many pupils with ALN at Ysgol y Gogarth would not be able to travel independently. Reviewing this every year would be costly to Conwy and stressful for families and the young person."

"Also it provides them with independent living skills and confidence as most children will only have travelled with their parent or carer. They also feel safe and know their journey and gain social skills with their companions . All gaining life skills in a safe space."

"For learners with ALN the provision of a consistent service provides them with a stepping stone in their independence and the development of that independence that would otherwise not be present through the reliance on parents and guardians."

"Whilst I agree learners should be supported to become more independent, I worry that this transition should only happen when it is safe and appropriate and the decision to step away from providing school transport should never be driven by costs. Life is difficult for parents of ALN children and knowing they are safe and supported to and from school is hugely important."

"Barriers to non-attendance are already significant, taking away transport from some of our most vulnerable and needy will just create more issues. I strongly believe that you should continue to include a ‘special circumstances’ proviso, if the request comes from a professional with a good working knowledge and insight into the issues preventing the attendance at school."

As a parent of a child with learning disabilities who doesn’t drive, free transport to school is a necessity for me, but as my child does get older, I would like extra support for her to be able to travel on public transport independently."


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