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Consultation Feedback

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Summary of consultation feedback on proposals for coastal defences and promenade improvements at Old Colwyn
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We received a lot of comments strongly supporting the proposed improvements on the promenade and for active travel. The public recognised the vital importance of improving the coastal defences and the ambition to improve the promenade to match previous work already carried out further west. They also praised how the proposed scheme would be important to the regeneration of the Colwyn Bay area in general.

There was particular support for improved facilities for walkers and cyclists. Our proposed improvements for active travel are also strongly supported by both Sustrans and Cycling-UK.

There was support for including outdoor areas for school lessons, and for the care taken with ecological concerns, providing habitat and designing to allow flora colonisation.

The public provided positive feedback on the much needed enhancement of the prom and sea defences and how the scheme will improve access to the beach at the Old Colwyn end.

Concerns and requests

We also received comments with concerns or requests about particular aspects of the proposals, so we have provided more information on these:

Kiosk and replacement shelters

RE: Concerns about losing the shelters on the promenade

The main focus of the proposed scheme is coastal defence and does not include constructing a kiosk. However, we are seeking funding for a replacement kiosk and we have included an allocated area and utility connections for this. The new kiosk will be under a separate planning application.

We have reviewed the scheme design to see whether we could provide replacement shelters. There are very limited possible locations where we could put shelters, because of existing Dwr Cymru Welsh Water utilities. Suitable areas away from the sewer would put the shelters in the middle of the shared use path or not on the promenade, and neither of these options are desirable. Because of this, we have decided not to include replacement shelters in the proposed scheme.


RE: Request for picnic benches to be provided near the fishing area

We consider that there is sufficient seating throughout the scheme to meet the needs of the public, while making sure that as many spaces remain as open as possible.


RE: Lack of toilets at the Old Colwyn end of the promenade and request for additional facilities to be considered

These proposals are primarily focussed on coastal defence work and do not include increased toilet provision. There are already public toilets within the scheme next to the area for the proposed outdoor classroom.


RE: Provision to maintain the planting must be integral to the plans

The proposed scheme includes low maintenance planting that is appropriate to the coastal site context.

Shared Cycle / Pedestrian Promenade

RE: Concerns about cyclists and pedestrians mixing on the same pathway. Queries whether they could be segregated.

Shared space is a recognised and accepted design of active travel routes. We have developed these proposals in collaboration with Sustrans and Cycling UK who are supportive of the shared space rationale. 

The proposed shared space at Old Colwyn uses the same principles which were used in all previous phases of the Colwyn Bay waterfront project.

We have designed the proposed scheme to include sufficient shared space for cyclists and pedestrians in a safe environment that enhances the overall area and is an improvement on the present conditions.

Between Porth Eirias and Rotary Way, there will be a 6m wide clear shared zone for active travel (walking, cycling, wheeling) along the northern half of the promenade next to the sea wall. Between Rotary Way and Splash Point (by Old Colwyn Arches), the shared zone would mostly be 4m wide because of width constraints, with a minimum of 3.5m wide along the furthest eastern end.

The proposed shared use path includes improved widths, lighting, surfacing and handrails. The proposed path also provides more flexibility for users and eliminates the problems of different users using the wrong path.

Traffic during construction

RE: Concerns about traffic congestion through the village of Old Colwyn. Comments that the current phase has been ongoing for a long time already and planning needs to take into account the volume of traffic congestion

We acknowledge that there will be temporary impact from construction traffic, but this can be accommodated by the existing road network and proposed diversion routes.

The Council will work closely with our contractor to minimise the impacts on traffic.

If we didn’t carry out this work, there would be ad hoc closures during bad weather until the existing sea wall collapsed into the sea, when the promenade would need to be closed indefinitely. The proposed development seeks to address this potential impact for the overall benefit of local residents.


RE: Concerns that the development will impact angling in the area as it will restrict usable space for the activity.

We identified that the current use of the promenade by anglers was dangerous to other users because it is a shared space. The plans include a dedicated area for anglers to use (which already has planning consent under a separate application) which is separate from the shared space for cyclists and pedestrians.

The proposed fishing platform is a safe and accessible location for fishing - angling elsewhere along the promenade will be discouraged through signage.

Crossing points

RE: Need for appropriate crossing points on road for pedestrians to cross to the promenade

The proposed plans for consultation included 4 uncontrolled crossing points with dropped kerbs, tactile paving and appropriate signage. As a result of public feedback, we have now amended the uncontrolled crossings to include a contrasting road surface colour to increase its visibility to motorists. We have also upgraded the uncontrolled crossing point west of the Rotary Way junction to a zebra crossing with belisha beacons.


RE: Request decent sized parking spaces like the ones in Colwyn Bay that allow people to use them for a day out.

The size of the car parking spaces meets recommended standards and is consistent with other projects in Colwyn Bay.

The proposals include improved parking provision with dedicated disabled spaces and electric vehicle charging bays. The proposed parking is considered an appropriate amount, given the existing site conditions and the amount of parking already provided.

Beach Access

RE: Will there be a ramp to the beach on the eastern side (Splash Point)?

The coastal works at the eastern end already have planning approval via a separate application, and the existing beach slipway at the eastern end (Splash Point) will be retained. These latest proposals include an inclusive access ramp to get to the raised prom area at the eastern end and the fishing platform would have level access.

The plans also include an inclusive beach access ramp at the western end, which is better than the current situation. There is more space in the western area to incorporate disabled parking bays, reducing the travel distance to the accessible beach ramp.

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