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Home Resident Parking, Roads and Travel Active Travel Active Travel Consultations Colwyn Bay Town Centre Regeneration and Active Travel Consultation

Colwyn Bay Town Centre Regeneration and Active Travel Consultation

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We are holding this consultation to find out your views on the proposed improvements to Colwyn Bay town centre and active travel routes.
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This consultation closed on 14 November 2023.

This proposal aims to improve the pedestrian and cycling experience around Colwyn Bay town centre.  This would encourage active travel commuting between Colwyn Bay town centre and Old Colwyn and could attract more visitors walking and cycling to the area.

The plan has been guided by transportation-specific targets outlined by Welsh Government, as well as insights from stakeholders.

We will need to secure funding to develop this design ready for building, and further funding to do the construction work.

History of this project

This proposal builds on feedback from a previous consultation in 2020 on plans for Colwyn Bay town centre.

In that consultation, residents and members of the public told us they liked ideas for:

  • Better quality wider pavements, better quality street furniture, trees and planted areas in the town centre (41% liked a lot, 33% liked)
  • A new town square at the corner of St Paul’s Church grounds and improvements to Station Square (35% liked a lot, 28% liked)
  • Walking and cycling routes in the town centre and down to the waterfront and promenade (38% liked a lot, 32% liked)
  • A new car park at the former Market Hall site (41% liked a lot, 34% liked)
  • Improvements to the Ivy Street car park (25% liked a lot, 38% liked)
  • Opening up Station Road to one way traffic with parking bays for shoppers, keeping wide pavements for pedestrians and businesses to use (39% liked a lot, 28% liked)
  • 20mph zone in the town centre (33% liked a lot, 32% liked)
  • A revised one way system in the town centre (27% liked a lot, 24% liked, but 21% really disliked and 9% disliked)

However, we received feedback from stakeholders and funders such as Welsh Government, Sustrans, Cycling UK, NMWTRA and Transport for Wales that they had concerns about:

  • Lack of active travel facilities
  • Lack of connection to nearby communities
  • Too much focus on cars
  • Impact on the A55 as Abergele/Conway Road is often used as a diversion during maintenance work or if the road is closed due to an accident

All this feedback has been considered to create these new proposals, keeping elements which the public liked while addressing other stakeholder concerns

What is Active Travel?

Active travel means making every day journeys by walking, wheeling or cycling instead of using transport such as cars or buses.  (Wheeling includes using a mobility scooter or wheelchair.)

It is a Welsh Government initiative to encourage healthier travel and reduce traffic congestion.

Active travel includes journeys made to work, school, college, shops and leisure facilities.  An active travel route has to connect to these places and be suitable for everyday journeys.  Active travel does not cover routes that are only used for leisure or recreational purposes.

Scheme objectives

The key objectives include:

  • Encouraging sustainable transport
  • Making it easier and safer for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Enhancing public spaces
  • Creating convenient active travel routes that help connect neighbourhoods in the Colwyn Bay area

The scheme includes:

  • Redeveloping the Colwyn Bay railway station forecourt
  • Enhancing Colwyn Bay town centre
  • Upgrading active travel routes on Abergele Road and related junctions.
  • Upgrading active travel routes through Eirias Park
  • Introducing electric vehicle charging points
  • Improving the active travel network by connecting to existing routes
  • Redesigning the local road network to make it easier for people to walk and cycle and to improve connections to the town centre

Please view the plans for more details about the proposals.

Next page:  Colwyn Bay railway station forecourt

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