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Conwy Bridge - Active Travel Consultation Feedback

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Summary of consultation feedback on proposals for an improved walking, wheeling and cycling route over A547 Conwy road bridge.
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About the consultation

The public consultation for the Conwy Bridge Active Travel Route scheme ran from 2 August to 23 August 2023.

Consultation materials were available on the Council website, as a paper postal pack, and at a public drop in event held at St Mary’s Church Hall, Conwy on 3 August 2023.

The consultation was promoted via social media, press releases, the Council website, posters and letters to local stakeholders.

The consultation materials explained the objectives which the scheme would meet, providing improved active travel access between Conwy and Llandudno Junction for people walking, wheeling and cycling.

The consultation gave the communities the opportunity to consider 4 options and provide feedback.

Consultation responses

161 people responded to the consultation in total.

The large majority of responses said improvements were needed to the active travel route on the A547 Conwy Bridge

Preferred option

  • 104 people (65% of respondents) said Option C3 was their preferred option
  • 40 people (25%) preferred Option D2
  • 10 people (6%) preferred Option D1
  • 5 people (3%) preferred Option A3

Least preferred option

  • 65 people (40% of respondents) said they preferred Option D1 the least
  • 58 people (36%) preferred Option A3 the least
  • 18 people (11%) preferred Option D2 the least
  • 14 people (8%) preferred Option C3 the least

Using the active travel route

118 people (73% of respondents) said they would use their preferred route at least once a week:

  • 56 people said they would use it 1-2 days a week
  • 33 people said they would use it 3-4 days a week
  • 29 people said they would use it 5-7 days a week

Current travel

We asked people to tell us how they usually travel between Conwy and Llandudno Junction. Some people use more than one method of transport:

  • 110 people either walk or cycle
  • 72 people said they use a private car
  • 8 use a form of public transport

We asked people to tell us what stops them from walking, cycling or wheeling between Conwy and Llandudno Junction at the moment.

  • 65% of respondents did not answer this question as it was not relevant to them
  • 13 people said the journey takes too long but only 1 person felt the journey was too far
  • 11 people said they need to carry equipment

What next?

The results of the public consultation will be added into the WelTAG Stage 2 appraisal process, as part of the criteria assessing the acceptability of each option.

The appraisal also includes economic, environmental, and social & cultural criteria.

The highest scoring option of the appraisal process will be followed up and developed as a preferred option at the next stage.

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