Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.

Buildings and Structures of Local Importance

Summary (optional)
Guidance to help the Council compile a list of locally important buildings and structures.
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This SPG has now been adopted as Council policy with effect from February 2014.

The Buildings and Structures of Local Importance SPG will be used to formulate a list of locally important buildings and structures which will be taken into account when determining planning applications in the geographical area covered by the Conwy Local Development Plan.

For further information please contact:

Strategic Planning Policy Service
Conwy County Borough Council
Muriau Building
Rosehill Street
LL32 8LD

LDP8 Buildings and Structures of Local Importance

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