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Home News News items Strategy to boost charging points

Strategy to boost charging points

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Strategy to boost charging points

Councillors asked to agree a county-wide approach for installing electric vehicle (EV) chargers in public car parks and Council-owned sites.

Conwy’s Environment, Roads and Facilities Service is seeking permission to invite tenders for an operator to work with the Council to install and operate electric vehicle chargers in public car parks, with the Council receiving a percentage of the income generated.

There are currently around 115 publicly available electric vehicle chargers in the county, at locations such as supermarkets and hotels.

With the number of electric vehicles driven by residents and visitors increasing, there’s an opportunity for charging stations in Council car parks to add to the overall provision.

Cllr Geoff Stewart, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood and the Environment said, “The Council has a role to ensure that the network of EV charging in the County encourages the take up of electric vehicles, and that motorists travelling to or within Conwy can be confident of finding charging facilities at their destination.

“The approach being recommended to councillors represents minimal financial risk while providing a commercial return for the Council.”

Members of the Economy and Place Scrutiny Committee and the Cabinet will be asked to support the strategy for providing publicly accessible EV chargers on Council owned sites by procuring a single supplier under a partially funded concessionary model.


Economy and Place Scrutiny Committee
Link to agenda, reports and webcast: Conwy Local Democracy : Agenda for Economy and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Wednesday, 20 November 2024, 5.30 pm

Link to agenda, reports and webcast: Conwy Local Democracy : Agenda for Cabinet on Tuesday, 26 November 2024, 2.00 pm


Posted on 22/11/2024

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