Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

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Communities for Work and PaCE

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Communities for Work and PaCE

March 2023 saw the end of the Welsh Government’s Communities for Work (CfW) and PaCE (Parents, Childcare and Employment) Programmes which had been running since 2015.

During the eight years, the Welsh Government invested £135 million to the CfW and PaCE Programmes under the EU Structural and Investment Funds.

Communities for Work

Communities for Work was a unique partnership between Local Authorities, DWP and third sector partners to operate a postcoded programme to help and support the long-term unemployed and economically inactive in the most deprived areas of Wales.  Since 2015, it helped 37,000 people and supported 16,000 into Employment.


PaCE was a dedicated Programme for parents who found childcare the main barrier stopping them from working.  Since 2015, it worked with 7,500 parents and supported 3,500 into work.

Participants who were still on these Programmes at the end of March have been transferred over to the Communities for Work Plus (CfW+) Programme, which will ensure a seamless continuation of the help and support they require.

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