Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.
Home Council Strategies, Plans and Policies Explaining key plans Explaining our key Strategic Plans - Council specific plans

Explaining our key Strategic Plans - Council specific plans

Summary (optional)
The Corporate Plan; outcome agreements; risk registers; service plans.
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The Corporate Plan 2012-17 identifies the improvement priorities for the Authority above and beyond our every day service delivery. These priorities are the focus for the whole Council.

Each year by 31st October we will publish an Annual Report which will detail how we have progressed in the previous financial year in delivering the commitments we have made in the Corporate Plan. The Annual Report will include an evaluation of our key successes, performance measures and the areas where we need to make further improvements.

We will review the Plan annually to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to both community and budgetary requirements.

Risk registers: The Council provides a complex array of services and in order to ensure we manage them effectively we need to understand the risks we face and manage them appropriately. This will aid effective decision making and contribute to the achievement of our Corporate Plan.   

Corporate risks are monitored and logged on the Corporate Risk Register. This register is regularly reviewed by Senior Managers and Members and is also challenged by our external regulators.

Service risks are monitored and logged onto service risk registers. The risk registers are monitored and updated as part of the service performance review process.

Service plans : Each Service area writes an annual Service Plan. The purpose of the Service Plan is to enable the authority, and citizens/customers, to gain an overview of what each service area plans to achieve in a financial year and the outcomes that citizens can expect if they are successful. The Service plans are linked to the Corporate Plan and Community Strategy. They show what actions are to be achieved by each service are in the current financial year. Producing the Service Plan will be a collaborative effort between Heads of Service and their team managers. Progress made on the service plan will be monitored as part of the 6 monthly Service Performance Review Process.

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