Exempt Properties
There are properties that do not have to pay Council Tax. They include properties that are:
- Unfurnished (exempt for up to 6 months)
- Unoccupied and owned by a charity (exempt for up to 6 months)
- Unoccupied and undergoing or in need of structural repair or major alterations (exempt for up to 12 months)
- Left empty by someone who has gone into prison, hospital or residential care home
- Unoccupied and waiting for probate or letters of administration to be granted (and for up to 6 months after)
- Left empty by someone who has moved to provide or receive personal care
- Left empty by students
- Repossessed
- The responsibility of a bankrupt's trustee
- Empty because their occupation is forbidden by law
- Waiting to be occupied by a minister of religion
- Care Leavers - If you are a care leaver, you may be exempt from paying council tax if: you live in Wales and you are 18 or over but have not yet reached 25
You can apply online using the links on the right hand side of this page.
Contact us:
PO Box 1,
LL30 9GN
Email: counciltax@conwy.gov.uk
Phone: (01492) 576607