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Conservation Management Plans

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Generic Guidance

The Conservation Areas SPG includes general guidance on developments affecting any of the conservation areas in Conwy Local Planning Authority area.

This SPG has now been adopted as council policy with effect from July 2015. SPGs help to make sure certain policies and proposals are better understood and applied more effectively. They do not have the same status as policies in adopted development plans but we use them to help us make decisions on planning applications.


The Llandudno Conservation Area Management plan is specifically applicable to Llandudno and the key issues that are faced by that particular conservation area. It is the intention that similar management plans will be produced for other conservation areas in the County Borough.

This SPG has now been adopted as council policy with effect from March 2015. SPGs help to make sure certain policies and proposals are better understood and applied more effectively. They do not have the same status as policies in adopted development plans but we use them to help us make decisions on planning applications.


The Conwy Conservation Area Management plan, as the title suggests, is specifically applicable to Conwy town and the issues that are faced by that particular conservation area. It is the intention that similar management plans will be produced for other conservation areas in the County Borough.

This SPG has now been adopted as council policy with effect from July 2015. SPGs help to make sure certain policies and proposals are better understood and applied more effectively. They do not have the same status as policies in adopted development plans but we use them to help us make decisions on planning applications.

Conservation Areas SPG

Llandudno Management Plan

Conwy Management Plan

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