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Pre-Application Advice

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For householder, non-householder and general advice
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We offer two different forms of enquiry service

  1. Enquiries to find out if your proposal needs permission
  2. Enquiries to find out what we think of your proposal (statutory pre-application advice service)

Useful information on permitted development for Householders

Extensions or additions to your house that do not need planning permission are called permitted development rights. These rights do not apply to flats and maisonettes and full planning permission is always needed for new dwellings. You can find out about permitted development by using the Planning Portal’s following guides. This will help you decide on the type of enquiry service you need. These guides will explain permitted development rights and the various limits that apply. Make sure you use the Welsh option as different rules apply in England.

For listed buildings, conservation or article 4 direction areas which are more restrictive, use the Planning Portal visual guide.

Enquiries to find out if your proposal needs permission

This service is currently free and it will tell you if you need planning permission.  To apply, please complete the forms listed below.  We will then provide you with a written opinion on whether an application for planning permission or listed building consent is needed for your proposal.

Householder enquiries

Please apply using the Advice request form for householder developments (non-statutory) if you want to carry out:

  • improvements to your home
  • extensions or alterations to your home, or
  • work within your garden. 

The best way to find out if you need planning permission is to use the Planning Portal Interactive House tool described above.

Non-householder developments

Please apply using the Advice request form for non-householder developments (non-statutory) for any other non-householder work. For example:

  • change of use to a business
  • erection of commercial buildings
  • erection of dwellings or apartments

You should also apply for advertisement and listed building consent using this advice request form.

Your enquiry must be in writing and include all the details we ask for plus any information you think is relevant.  Otherwise we may have to return your enquiry for further information.  We aim to respond to the above enquiries within 28 days.

Enquiries to find out what we think of your proposal (statutory process)

Pre-planning application advice is an important part of the planning process. We will be able to provide you with information about the merits of your proposal. It also means that any potential issues can be resolved prior to the submission of an application, the quality can be improved and speedier decisions can be made. The process is more certain and clear because planning issues and requirements can be identified early, before an application is submitted.

The process relates to enquiries for full or outline planning permission. It does not relate to advice for advertisement consent and proposals purely for listed building consent. 

The statutory pre-application charging system was introduced from 16th March 2016. This means that if you want to know if your proposal is acceptable then we will charge for this advice. See Pre Application Statutory Enquiries Fees document for relevant fee.

Once we have received your valid enquiry we will respond to it within 21 days, unless an extension of time is agreed. As a minimum, we will provide you with the following information:


  • The relevant planning history of the site.
  • The relevant development plan policies assessed against your proposal.
  • Relevant supplementary planning guidance, such as design and conservation.
  • Any other material planning considerations, such as (but not limited to) overlooking, loss of privacy, loss of light or overshadowing.
  • An initial assessment of the proposed development, based on the information above.

For all other development proposals, you should receive all the information outlined above, as well as:

  • Whether any Section 106 Legal Agreement or Community Infrastructure Levy contributions are likely to be sought with an indication of the range and amount of these contributions.

If the development is for major development or is likely to be complex then you will need to provide as much detail as possible. Meetings will be arranged, if necessary, with other key consultees to assess your proposals and in some instances a site visit may be taken. However, this is at our discretion. 

If you want advice on affordable housing contributions, please submit the Affordable Housing Viability Proforma, unless the proposal falls within any of the following exemptions (PDF).

Please note that any pre-application advice or views given by our planning officers are based on informal officer opinion and do not commit us or our officers in any way.

Information to be submitted with your enquiry

Further information and guidance is provided with the forms but a valid pre-application enquiry must contain:

  • a completed form
  • location plan drawn to a recognised scale with the direction north identifying the application site and
  • a statutory fee. If you do not pay the correct fee we will be under no obligation to accept your pre-application enquiry.  The pre-application service will not begin until the correct fee is received. 

The fee for a householder enquiry is £25.

When using the statutory enquiry process please apply using the following forms:

  • Advice request form for householder developments (statutory)
  • Advice request form for non-householder developments (statutory)

For further information about this process please click on the following links:

CLA658 - The Town and Country Planning (Pre-Application Services) (Wales) Regulations 2016

Building and planning (Welsh Government)

Non-statutory forms (enquiries to find out if your proposal needs permission)

Statutory forms
(enquiries to find out what we think of your proposal)


Contact us

For general advice, you can contact our duty officer. There is an answer phone service when the duty officer is unavailable, please leave a message and we will aim to get back to you as soon as possible.

Planning Duty Officer Service

From Monday 29th January, 2018 the duty officer planning advice service will only be available during the following times:

  • Monday 09:30-13:00
  • Wednesday 13:00-16:30
  • Friday 13:00-16:30

Development Management Duty Officer
Phone: 01492 575247

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