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Frequently Asked Questions - Trees

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Do I need the council's permission to cut down or prune a tree in my garden?

Only if the tree is protected by a Tree Preservation Order, is growing in a conservation area or is protected by a condition attached to a planning permission.

Contact Regulatory Services for more information.

My neighbours tree has grown too big and is blocking my light and view or may be dangerous what can I do?

This is a private matter between you and your neighbour. The council would only become involved if the tree was protected in some way and permission was needed to carry out work to it.

If this relates to 2 or more evergreen trees growing together or a conifer hedgerow it may be covered under the 'high hedges' legislation. 

Contact Regulatory Services for more information.

The tree on the pavement outside my house is overgrowing my garden what can I do?

Landowners generally have the legal right to prune back any part of a publicly owned tree that is overhanging their property as far as the boundary.  Trees with Tree Preservation Orders and in conservation areas are the exception. 

It is the landowners responsibility to ensure that a tree is not protected before in any way before carrying out or authorising work.  You should contact the council before any work commences.

I believe a tree is dangerous, what can I do?

Contact Environment, Roads and Facilities on 01492 575337 and provide as much details as possible including: location, street name, number of nearest house or business name, details of the danger, a contact telephone number.

I am concerned about the management of the trees outside my house who can I tell?

For enquiries relating to trees within Conwy contact Environment, Roads and Facilities on 01492 575337 who will take your call in the first instance and may redirect you to another service as required

I have heard that some beautiful trees close to where I live are going to be cut down. What can I do?

If the trees are not already protected the council can in certain circumstances consider making a Tree Preservation Order to ensure no inappropriate work is carried out.

Contact Regulatory Services for more information.

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