Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

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Tree Preservation Orders

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Information about Tree Preservation Orders, Trees in Conservation Areas and Hedgerow protection.
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Trees may be protected because of a Tree Preservation Order; because they fall within a Conservation Area, or because they are subject to a Condition attached to a Planning Permission. Most rural hedgerows receive automatic protection because of the Hedgerow Regulations (which came in to force relatively recently in 1997).

If you are considering undertaking work to a tree or hedgerow, the Tree Officer can advise you if some form of protection exists (for proposed works within the National Park, please contact the Snowdonia National Park Authority).

Enquiries should be made in writing to:


Development Management
PO Box 1
LL30 9GN

Natural Resources Wales also has a role to play, in that a Felling Licence may be required, depending on the amount of timber to be felled. The Council's Parks Manager is responsible for most matters relating to trees in the Council's ownership.

See also

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