Even if you don’t want support, this discussion is useful as a way of identifying what support might benefit you; we may also signpost you to external agencies. It may be agreed that some short-term help and support can be provided to help you increase your independence and wellbeing. We call this ‘reablement’ and your customer care advisor can explain the service in more detail.
Fund your care privately
You can fund your care privately, for example through long-term care insurance, or partly or wholly through benefits and other disability-related funded entitlements. Find out about what benefits you are entitled to.
If you prefer to make your own care arrangements privately, or you have been assessed and are not eligible for our support you can arrange and fund your own care. If you are making decisions on behalf of someone else you need to be sure you have the right to do so.
Finding a care worker yourself
You can find a care worker through an agency, or by employing someone directly. It is important to be clear about the type of support you need in order to establish whether a particular agency or individual can meet your needs.
Employment agencies
It is also possible to arrange 24-hour live-in carers through care agencies. Agencies that provide nurses or care workers who carry out personal care tasks must be registered with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW). Discuss with the agency how your needs can best be met. For example, depending on the level of support you need, it may not be possible for one person to provide it all. A planned rota of workers can help to minimise disruption and provide continuity.
Employing a support worker directly
You can employ a support worker (or other help) directly rather than go through an agency. However, this can be complicated and it is important to be clear about what you are taking on, particularly regarding any contract of employment and possible financial commitments such as National Insurance contributions.
You might consider advertising in newspapers or magazines. Your local reference library may be able to suggest suitable publications. If you advertise for a support worker it is advisable to use a box number rather than your home address, and also to take up references. You should carefully consider the duties you require of a companion and write a job description so that there is no misunderstanding by either party about what is expected of them.
Adapting your home
You could get help with the cost of adapting your home, to make it easier for you to live independently. This could mean changing your bathroom or toilet facilities, helping you to get in and out of your home and making it easier to get up and down the stairs.
Direct Payments
If you have had an assessment that shows you are eligible for social care services, you may prefer to organise your services yourself rather than have the Council do this for you. This is called ‘Direct Payments’. Direct Payments allow more choice and control over the services you receive and gives you the opportunity to live as independently as possible.