Occupational Therapists can assess for adaptations to your property to enable you to be more independent, such as safely getting in/out of the bath or shower, getting in and out the house, or using things in your kitchen or bedroom. Funding for adaptations will depend on who owns your property: For people who own and live in their own house and private rented tenants, applications can be made for a Disabled Facilities Grant.
For people in registered social landlord accommodation, an application can be made for a Physical Adaptation Grant.
Cartrefi Conwy have a separate source of funding for their clients.
Applying For Housing
The Conwy Housing web pages offer information about rented and affordable accommodation in the Conwy area and aim to help those looking for a home to make choices about what is most suitable for them. Conwy has a new Housing Register which is shared by all housing providers in Conwy and is used to allocate social housing across Conwy to eligible applicants. To be included on the register you must have an eligible housing need. To apply to be included on the register you will need to complete an application through SARTH (Single Access Route to Housing).
Supported Living
The Disabilities Service have a number of supported living services throughout the county of Conwy. These are usually small 1-4 person shared tenancies, shared lives tenancies via Shared Lives Plus or PSS, or tenancies with Approved Landlords where people are given additional support to enable them to live independently in the community.
Tenants will receive Housing Benefit where eligible, which they will use to pay their rent to their landlord. Support provided can range from a few hours a week to 24 hours, 7 days a week. Access to supported living is through an assessment of need and referral to the Disability Accommodation panel.
Telecare and Assistive Technologies
More people are using technology to support people to remain safe and independent in the community. The Disability Service will work with you to try and find different ways to meet your eligible needs and the use of Telecare equipment and modern technology will be one of these. Visit the Telecare web page for more information.
Residential Care
There are a small number of Residential Care Homes in Conwy registered with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) to provide residential placements for people with disabilities. Residential Care homes offer accommodation and personal care for people who may not be able to live independently. Placements can be short term or long term. Some homes also offer care from qualified nurses, these are called Residential Care Homes with Nursing. Access to residential care is through an assessment of need.