panel1Your Social Worker and Conwy Children and Family Services are worried that it isn't safe enough for you at home. They may have tried to put changes in place already that haven't worked, or they may feel it is so risky that they have to go to PLO straight away.
panel2Your social worker, Mum, Dad and all the lawyers will have a big meeting to talk about what needs to happen and how long this will take. Your social worker will ask to do a risk assessment, which means they will talk to you, your parents and everyone in your life. This will help them make suggestions on what should happen.
panel3PLO means that Social Services will tell your Mum and Dad to speak to a Solicitor about what is happening. If things don't change then your social worker might have to go to Court with Mum and Dad to help make sure that you are safe.
panel4Mum and Dad might be asked to think about who you might be able to live with if Social Services think it isn't safe enough to stay at home. You will be asked about what you think too because your opinions are really important.
This above information leaflet has been developed, to help children and young people to understand what the PLO process would mean for them. Leaflet Information and drawings have been used with permission from Swansea Child and Family Services.