Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

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Emergency Child Protection Orders

Summary (optional)
An Emergency Protection Order is made when a child or young person is in immediate danger and may have to be taken away from home quickly.
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Who can apply for an Emergency Protection Order?

Children's Services or anyone like the Police, NSPCC or a neighbour can go to a magistrate and apply for an Emergency Protection Order.

Emergency Protection Orders are granted for:

  • Individual applicants, where the child will suffer significant harm if not removed.
  • Local authorities, where enquiries are being made for other orders, and where these enquiries are being frustrated or unreasonably refused.
  • Authorised persons, where there is reasonable cause to suspect, or there is a likelihood of, significant harm.

How long does an Emergency Protection Order last for?

The Emergency Protection Order lasts for eight days and any person can apply to a court for an Order. Parental contact with the child/ren is not always excluded.

Further information

For more information about Emergency Protection Orders view the website or contact the Duty and Assessment Team on 01492575111.
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