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Home News News items West Shore coastal defence improvements

West Shore coastal defence improvements

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West Shore coastal defence improvements

Work starts: Week commencing 15 July 2024

Work finishes: September 2024

Conwy County Borough Council is beginning work on improving coastal defences at West Shore. This work will improve the existing coastal defenses, to reduce the potential for coastal flooding and its impact.

Welsh Government approved an Outline Business Case in June 2022, which set out potential options for improvements to the defences at North Shore and West Shore.

Since then, the Council has been working to finalise a scheme that will:

  • increase the level of protection for the town
  • provide a more reliable and consistent standard of protection

Based on coastal flood modelling carried out over the last 12 months, this work will address ‘weak spots’ within the current defences. 

The work will be a series of small scale improvements at various locations, completed in phases.

The first phase of work will focus on:

  • new ‘stop logs’ locations (these are the gaps in the wall which can be blocked up with wooden logs when bad weather is forecasted)
  • extending the secondary wall on West Parade for 50m

There will be access to the beach, grass and Dale Road car park throughout this phase of the work.

A small section of pavement will be closed off closest to the work areas, with a pedestrian diversion. Traffic will not be affected along West Parade.

We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience while we carry out this essential work.

More Information is available on the Council’s website:

This work is funded by Welsh Government’s Coastal Risk Management Programme and Conwy County Borough Council.

Posted on 15/07/2024

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