Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

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Home Business Economic Development Town Centre Grant

Town Centre Grant

Summary (optional)
Funding for the scheme has been secured from the Welsh Governments’ Transforming Towns Programme to offer capital investment to regenerate commercial properties in a number of our town centres.
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The fund would support our local (commercial or social) businesses by offering grants to support improvements to the external appearance of commercial properties, regeneration, and the overall visual impact of the town centre.

Proposed works must fall in to at least one of the following categories:

  • Repairs and cosmetic improvements to building frontages in poor condition.
  • Re-instatement of lost or damaged architectural or heritage features that contribute to the historic character and appearance of the area.

The fund is available to freehold owners of the property, or occupiers holding a lease who have secured their landlord’s written consent to the proposed works.

The scheme offers funding of up to 70% on eligible capital expenditure for projects with awards offered from £3,000 up to £15,000.

Eligible Works:

Projects including (but not limited to):

  • Shopfronts including cosmetic and minor structural improvements
  • Improved display windows
  • Signage
  • Windows & doors
  • External lighting
  • Rainwater goods
  • Rendering, stone cleaning and re pointing

This enhanced grant scheme is discretionary and applications are now open. The scheme will be operated on a first come first serve basis dependent upon availability of funds and completion of the project within the detailed timeframe. If a grant is awarded ALL work must have been completed and receipted before March of the respective Financial Year.

All offers of funding will be subject to approval of applications by a Grants Review Panel. The decision of the Grant Review Panel is final. There is no appeals process.

The Town Centre Grant Guidance is available here for download. However, for further information regarding the grant, or to make an application please contact us as per the details below.

To discuss your proposal please contact:

Katie Minton-Rowlands
Development and Regeneration Project Officer

Telephone no: 01492 577329


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