Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

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Scrutiny: Economy and Place 31st January 2024

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Meeting held on the 31st January 2024

Economy and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee 31.01.2024

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  1. 8. To receive an E-petition on behalf of residents calling on Conwy County Borough Council to use its powers to consult with the public and listen over which roads should be exempted from the new, default 20mph speed limit - 00:05:00
  2. 6. To review the Forward Work Programmes i) Economy and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme (Pages 11 - 22) ii) Combined Forward Work Programme - 01:10:00
  3. 9. To consider a report by the Head of Environment, Roads and Facilities (ERF) on the following matter: i) Colwyn Bay Regeneration Programme Board Progress Report - 01:11:00
  4. 10. To consider a report by the Head of Regulatory and Housing Services on the following matter: i) Adoption of the Adaptations Policy - 02:06:00
  5. 11. To consider a report by the Head of Economy and Culture Service on the following matter: i) Changes to library opening hours, subject to public consultation - 02:30:00

    Click here for the agenda and minutes of this meeting.

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