Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

We will be carrying out essential website maintenance in the afternoon which will affect some functionality. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience the work may cause and will do all we can to keep disruption to an absolute minimum.
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Senior Management Team Charter

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Conwy County Borough Council 2028 - SMT Charter towards a sustainable and resilient future
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The Challenge:

Increasing demand at a time of diminishing resources facing an organisation that wants to do the best it can for its people.

Our ambition:

To improve our organisation still further so that the people of Conwy who need ‘Council’ services are still able to have them and we have improved Conwy as a place still further – meeting the needs of the present without compromising future generations.

Success will look like … (in no particular order):

  • Functions/services are as financially efficient as possible: with no, or minimum subsidy.
  • We have financial sustainability and cross-subsidy – moving money from where it is, to where it needs to be.
  • We have eliminated service silos; and therefore there is nothing but support and cooperation, as services have a much better understanding of and therefore confidence in each other.
  • All services are seamless and at their most efficient.
  • Technology (digitisation, automation, artificial intelligence) is being used to the maximum.
  • We have excellent data about our people and their needs, which we have used to help shape services
  • The Conwy £ is kept within Conwy CBC or, if not, within the county.
  • We have been so ambitious that we’ve made a few mistakes – but have moved on because it’s ‘safe to fail’.
  • We have changed the way in which many of our services are provided, using the most appropriate and efficient model for the service in question: possibly with a Council trading arm.
  • We have changed our services through focussing on prevention and early intervention.
  • We have maximised the use and value of all of our assets: fixed, natural and intellectualWe have constantly and continuously challenged our costs and have optimised income generation.
  • We have introduced new approaches/models/appetites for risk and relationships with a whole range of partners (people, local authorities and other public bodies, semi-commercial and commercial) so that services are available, if not necessarily provided directly by the Council.
  • Our colleagues in the Council have been an intrinsic part of the journey – they have been a driving force and been empowered to offer suggestions and try new approaches.
  • Conwy people understand the role of the Council – because we’ve explained it to them and they’ve understood the journey they’ve been on with us. 
  • Conwy people are confident in accessing the information and services they need. 
  • Where they are able, Conwy people take responsibility for their own well-being and understand how they contribute positively to the life of their community.
  • We will have achieved all of this through being more of a Learning Organisation, having appreciated the value of investing our time and energy in learning from others.


This continues now. 

It is an approach, an ethos, a culture which builds on what we already have and takes us to another level.

Conwy would still be:

A progressive county creating opportunities.

And we will have demonstrated our values: caring, fair, innovative team players.

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