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Home Resident Education, Children and Young People School Governors School Governors - Roles and responsibilities

School Governors - Roles and responsibilities

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School governors, roles and responsibilities, governing body
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Each school has a governing body which plays an important part in the life of the school.

Governing Bodies are made up of local people and will include parents; persons appointed by the Local Authority, teachers, staff, the headteacher and may include representatives of the local community and representatives of the church. The number of members will depend upon the size of the school.

The governing body has a general responsibility for the strategic management, which means:

  • setting aims and objectives for the school;
  • adopting policies for achieving those aims and objectives;
  • setting targets for achieving those aims and objectives;
  • and reviewing progress towards achieving the aims and objectives.

Governing bodies have a range of duties and powers in legislation:

  • conducting the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement and behaviour;
  • setting appropriate school targets for pupil achievement at Key Stage 2, 3 and 4;
  • taking general responsibility for the conduct of the school - in practice this means policy making and how, in      broad strategic terms, the school should be run;
  • managing the school's budget, including determining the staff complement and making decisions on staff pay in      accordance with the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD);
  • making sure that the curriculum for the school is balanced and broadly based and in particular that the National      Curriculum and religious education are taught;
  • providing parents with a report every year which includes information about National Curriculum assessments and examination results;
  • appointing the head teacher and deputy head teacher (with advice from the LA and, in the case of voluntary aided and voluntary controlled schools the Diocese) and other staff and regulating staff conduct and discipline; and
  • drawing up an action plan following an Estyn inspection.

The Welsh Government has a considerable amount of information on all aspects of school governing bodies which can be accessed here
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