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20mph speed limit

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The speed limit on residential roads changed to 20mph on 17 September 2023.
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On 17 September 2023, the default 20mph speed limit came into force on urban roads where people live, work and play in Conwy County, and across Wales.

The Welsh Government has changed the default speed limit from 30mph to 20mph to make streets safer by reducing the likelihood of collisions - and death or injury from them. This will make streets safer for walking, wheeling and cycling (known as active travel).

The changes happened on roads where streetlights are placed no more than 200 yards apart, usually located in residential and built-up areas which people use frequently.

About exceptions

The new legislation does not mean all roads have changed to 20mph, some have remained at 30mph, known as exceptions. Every council in Wales has considered which streets in their area should remain at 30mph, following Welsh Government criteria.

You can see the exceptions on Data Map Wales with more information in the Traffic Regulation Orders section of our website.

In Conwy County, these roads (or sections of them) are exceptions to the speed limit change and have stayed at 30mph:

  • A470 Royal Welsh Way, Marl Lane Roundabout
  • A470 Royal Welsh Way, Narrow Lane Roundabout
  • A470 Royal Welsh Way, Black Cat Roundabout
  • A547 Conway Road, Llandudno Junction
  • A546 Glan y Mor Road, Deganwy
  • A546 New Road, Deganwy / Llandudno Junction
  • A546 Ffordd 6G, Llandudno Junction
  • A547 Conway Road, Conwy
  • Crogfryn Lane, Llanrhos
  • Gloddaeth Lane, Llanrhos
  • B5115 Pentywyn Road, Llanrhos
  • A470 Wormhout Way, Llanrhos
  • B5115 Penrhyn Hill, Penrhynside
  • Bryn y Bia Road, Penrhynside
  • Colwyn Road, Penrhynside
  • A547 Rhuddlan Road
  • A543 Groes, Bylchau
  • A548 Towyn Road, Towyn
  • Henllys Layby, Towyn
  • Kings Drive, Colwyn Bay
  • A544 Llanfairtalhaiarn to Llansannan Road

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find out more about Welsh Government’s 20mph legislation and why it is being introduced across Wales?

Please visit Welsh Government’s website for more information.

Did all roads in Conwy County change to 20mph on 17 September 2023?

On 17 September 2023, all restricted roads changed to 20mph.  The exceptions came into force on 20 September 2023.

What is a restricted road?

Restricted roads are typically in residential areas and have a system of street lighting (this is defined as three or more street lighting columns within 183m or 200 yards).  These roads previously had a speed limit of 30mph.

All councils across Wales had a legal duty to introduce 20mph on all restricted roads on 17 September 2023.

Can Conwy County Borough Council ignore the 20mph criteria set by Welsh Government?

No. Local councils cannot legally disregard criteria when applying speed restrictions to local roads.  We assess all speed limits impartially based on national criteria set by Welsh Government.

Have any roads remained at 30mph? Were residents consulted on this?

There were several roads in Conwy County which could be excepted from the new speed limit.

Welsh Government published exceptions criteria detailing how highway authorities can set exceptions to 20mph speed limits on restricted roads in Wales.

To apply an exception to a restricted road, we must have a clear and reasoned case which shows that there is strong evidence that keeping a higher speed limit would be safe.

We assessed restricted roads across the county and identified roads which meet the exceptions criteria. This list of roads was shared with all Councillors, who were asked to identify any other roads in their wards where they feel exceptions may apply.  

You can see the proposed exceptions on Data Map Wales with more information in the Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders section of our website.

The Council must formally advertise exceptions as part of a legal consultation process for Traffic Regulation Orders

Notices were published in the local press, put up on lampposts on the affected roads and paper copies were available for the public to view at our Coed Pella offices.

The consultation gave residents the opportunity to comment on these roads remaining at 30mph rather than changing to 20mph. Residents are not being consulted on the change to 20mph overall, as this was a Welsh Government decision made by the Senedd in July 2022.

Will the Council be reviewing the exceptions and changing more roads back to 30mph?

Between April and July 2024, Welsh Government invited people across Wales to contact their local council with feedback on how changes to the national default speed limit had been implemented in particular streets.

Every council in Wales was asked to collect residents’ feedback on 20mph limits, so they could assess this against revised Welsh Government guidance on setting 30mph speed limits on restricted roads and other 20mph speed limit roads. This revised guidance was published in July.

We received 702 individual comments. These comments were related to 149 individual streets or road sections.

This is not the end of the process - there are a number of steps which we need to follow over the next few months. There will be further opportunities for you to have your say. We cannot act on any comments which relate to the policy generally (whether in support or against) – these are matters for the Welsh Government.

Next steps

We will be reviewing all the comments we have received, assessing them against the revised guidance. We will not be able to provide individual feedback to every comment we have received.

When working out whether a road should have a higher speed limit, councils must be certain that an increase will not have a negative impact on road safety.

Roads where 30mph would not be suitable under the revised guidance will remain at the default speed limit of 20mph.

For any road where the revised guidance suggests a 30mph speed limit could be suitable, we will follow the traffic regulation order (TRO) process. This is a legal process we must follow to alter the speed limit.

Every traffic regulation order will be published for public consultation, where residents can show support or raise objections. We will publish details of any changes on our website.

Following the traffic regulation order consultations, final decisions will be made on any changes as part of the Council’s normal decision-making processes.

We will provide more updates once we have completed our review

Are there repeater signs to remind people they are in a 20mph area?

No.  There are new 20mph signs at each end of the speed restriction area. As with previous 30mph limits on restricted roads, repeater signs are not permitted where there is street lighting. The streetlights along the length of road between these signs will remind a driver they are in a 20mph area.

We have speed humps along my road, will these be removed now 20mph has been introduced?

Existing traffic calming measures, such as speed humps, have been introduced in certain areas to improve road safety. A 20mph speed limit does not automatically remove the need for traffic calming schemes. As with all safety schemes, we will continue to review how effective they are.

Will you be adding speed humps on residential roads to help enforce the new 20mph speed limit?

We don’t have plans to add speed humps to all 20mph roads. We will consider road safety issues on a case by case basis.

Who is paying for the introduction of 20mph on restricted roads in Conwy?

All costs associated with implementing 20mph across Wales will be met by Welsh Government through a grant to local councils.

Who will enforce the new 20mph speed limits?

The Police will continue to be responsible for enforcing speed limits. If you are concerned about speeding in your community, you can ask for speed enforcement through the GoSafe website.

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