Under section 7 of the Mental Health Act 1983 people who have a mental disorder can be given a guardian to help them, if two doctors and an Approved Mental Health Professional say this is needed. The guardian is someone from your local Social Services Department or someone who has been approved by them.
For some individuals whose life has become a little chaotic, the structure afforded by an order can promote a return to a more stable lifestyle.
The order may specify that you may have to:-
-live in a particular place
-attend for medical treatment, occupational education or training at set places and at set times
-allow a doctor, an approved mental health professional; or other named person to see you
The Guardianship Order may last up to six months initially and can be renewed. If an individual wants to stop being under Guardianship, they should first discuss it with their Guardian, Responsible Clinician or Approved Mental Health Professional. The individual can also ask the Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales to discharge the Guardianship.