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Ending physical punishment in Wales

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On 21 March 2022 the law in Wales changed. It is now illegal to physically punish children. Here are some alternatives to smacking children.
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We know it can be challenging coping with all the demands of being a parent. Family life isn’t always easy.

Something to try if you are at the end of your tether!

  • Make sure your child is in a safe place.
  • Remember you are the adult
  • Create a distraction to calm the situation or walk away from the argument.
  • Take a few deep breaths. Count to 50 or recite the alphabet - something that focusses your mind!
  • Do some stretching – exercise is great for relieving stress.
  • Make yourself a cuppa and relax.
  • Congratulate yourself on not hitting out.
  • Remember the special things about your child and talk about them later.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Phone a friend, a relative or the Conwy Family Life team.
  • It’s important to take 5 because if you lose your cool it’s going to make the situation worse.
  • Stop, breathe and reacted calmly.
  • There’s lots of help available for families and ideas for parents on other ways to set boundaries for children.
  • Read our leaflet:  Making it positive - Alternatives to Smacking Children (PDF, 785KB)

Why not visit these webpages for more ideas:
If you see a child being physically punished, or if you are concerned about a child, contact social services on 01492 575111 or ring 999 if the child is in immediate danger.
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