Essential Website Maintenance – Thursday 9th January 2020

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Report an Adult at Risk

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Every adult has the right to be treated with dignity, have their choices respected and live a life free from fear.
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Some people have to rely on others to help them in their day-to-day lives. This could be because they have a disability, or are ill or frail. This can make them more vulnerable to abuse.  Often they are abused by people who are close to them, such as family, friends or paid carers.

Abuse can take place in a person's own home, in a nursing home or care home, or a day centre or hospital.

Forms of abuse

There are different forms of abuse or neglect:

Physical abuse

  • being hit or slapped
  • being given the wrong medication on purpose
  • being locked in somewhere, tied up or force-fed

Sexual abuse

  • being touched or kissed when it is not wanted
  • being made to touch or kiss someone else
  • being made to watch pornography
  • being raped
  • getting something like a gift or money for performing sexual acts which they could not or did not consent to

Emotional abuse

  • being threatened
  • not being given choices
  • being bullied
  • being deliberately left alone for a long time
  • being tormented

Financial abuse

  • having money or personal property stolen
  • being tricked out of benefits
  • lending someone money and not being paid back
  • being bullied into letting other people use credit cards or cheques


  • not being given enough to eat or drink
  • being left in dirty or wet clothes
  • being given the wrong medication or not being given medication at all
  • someone not calling a doctor or nurse when help is needed

Discriminatory abuse

  • ignoring religious beliefs
  • making comments or jokes about a person's disability, race or sexuality
  • not providing food to meet dietary requirements

Organisational abuse

  • repeated instances of poor care or treatment in a service

Domestic abuse

  • abuse carried out by someone who is, or has been, a family member or intimate partner


  • when a person is unable to look after themselves, meaning that their health, wellbeing or safety is affected

Modern slavery

  • when a person is forced to work for no money
  • they may be owned or controlled by an employer or moved from different areas or abroad

How you can help

Often, people who are abused are the least likely to tell someone about it. 

If you see, or suspect that abuse is happening, please don’t ignore it. Contact us to share your concerns. 

What happens next?

We may act directly on your information or contact other services to put an end to the abusive or neglectful situation.

We will provide information and offer practical advice to the person suffering abuse, so that they can make an informed choice about any help they might need, or any action they may wish to take.  If they are unable to make an informed choice, we will take care to support and protect them.

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