Exhibitors Information and Conditions
1. Online applications for stand space
All persons wishing to book space must complete the online application. Conwy County Borough Council - the Organiser - cannot be held responsible for any application and reserves the right to refuse any entry at its absolute discretion.
2. Observance of regulations
All exhibitors shall be subject to these conditions as interpreted by the Organiser.
3. Payment for stand space for successful applications
Contact will be made if your application is successful. Confirmation will include details on how you can make payment. Payment must then be made as soon as possible and no later than Friday 11 April 2025.
4. Allocation of stand space
Applications for space and positioning of sites is decided by the Organiser at its discretion.
5. Sub-letting
No exhibitor shall sub-let or assign any portion of the space allocated to them.
6. Times of opening
Set up from 7am. Breakdown from 4:30pm. Strictly no vehicle movement between 9:30am and 5pm. Timings may be subject to change to meet Health and Safety requirements.
7. Insurance
A minimum of £5,000,000 public liability cover will be necessary. Failure to provide proof of public liability insurance in advance of the event will result in an application being refused.
8. Withdrawal or cancellation of space reserved
Should an exhibitor withdraw from the event or cancel any space reserved for whatever reason all fees shall be forfeited to cover the cost of administration. The Organiser reserves the right to reallocate such space.
9. Adult supervision
All market stalls/charity stalls/exhibitions/catering outlets MUST be supervised by an adult (over 18 years) AT ALL TIMES.
10. Imitation/potential weapons
No imitation weapons are to be sold at all and exhibitors are reminded of their obligation not to sell potential weapons to under 18s. Checks will be made on the day. Banned items – weapons, silly string and single use plastic.
11. Electricity
Please inform the Organiser if you require power (see online booking form). NO PETROL GENERATORS WILL BE ALLOWED ON SITE.
12. The use of loudspeaker equipment
The use of loudspeaker equipment and shouting to attract custom by exhibitors is not permitted.
13. Casual traders
No casual traders will be allowed on the day.
14. Rubbish
Exhibitors are required to leave their space free of litter and debris. Commercial litter and recycling bins will be provided. Failure to do so will result in refusal of future applications.
15. Street collecting
No street collecting permitted on site. Charitable donations must be contained to the stall.
16. Food and drink
The sale of food or drink is not permitted without prior permission.
17. Alcohol
Alcohol is not permitted to be consumed on site during the event. Neither is it to be sold or offered as a prize from any trader/charity/exhibitor or catering outlet unless agreed in advance with the Organiser.
18. Bouncy castles
The use of “Bouncy Castles” is not permitted.
19. Parking
An exhibitor/vehicle pass will be forwarded to each exhibitor/trader approximately 7 days prior to the event taking place.. It may be possible for one vehicle to be allocated space near to their stand, if not, the vehicle pass will allow access for one car to the event car park nearby. No additional vehicles will be allowed to park by displays/stands, unless agreed in advance with the Organiser.
20. Vehicles on site
Subject to Health and Safety requirements, the vehicle pass must be clearly displayed. The movement of vehicles on the Promenade is prohibited between 9:30am and 5pm unless agreed in advance with the Organiser. All vehicles on site to drive at no more than 5mph with their hazard lights on for health and safety reasons.
21. Admission and removal of exhibits
Exhibitors should arrive on site between 7am and 8.30am on the day of the event. Exhibits may be removed from 5.30pm onwards unless agreed in advance with the Organiser.
22. Event zones
The event will be zoned. Your display will be situated in the appropriate zone which will have a zone manager. You will be told who to report to on the day in your exhibitor pack.
23. Late applications
Applications must be submitted by the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.
24. Advertising
The event will be advertised as a whole and the Organiser discourages exhibitors from paying for separate advertising. If you want to discuss any marketing opportunities available to you, please contact the Organiser.
25. Failure to observe conditions
Exhibitors who fail to observe these conditions will entitle the Organiser to request the exhibitor to dismantle their stand and be ejected from site.
26. No furniture provided
It is the responsibility of stall holders to provide their own furniture. Assembly of equipment and temporary structures are the sole responsibility of the stall holder. The event Organiser should not be expected to assist with this.
The Organiser retains the right to change any exhibitor conditions on the day of the event as may be necessary.