We want our residents to have a safe and appropriate place to call home that supports their positive health and well-being.
What we want the future to look like: By focusing on a strategic approach, we will have created sustainable communities that residents are proud to call home.
In support of this goal, between 2025 and 2027 we will:
Work with partners to develop and deliver our Local Housing Strategy.
Work with developers and partners (including Registered Social Landlords) to bring forward the right mix of housing to support the needs of residents, supported through the policies and practices that we adopt under our Local Development Plans and Place Plans.
Deliver more affordable homes to meet the needs of our diverse communities.
Bring empty properties back into use.
Continue to work in partnership to deliver our important work to prevent homelessness and help those at risk of homelessness. We will work to ensure that all cases of homelessness are rare, brief, and unrepeated.
Ensure that those who are experiencing obstacles are accommodated in suitable housing.
Work to reduce the number of people waiting for housing on the common housing register and Tai Teg.
Help people to live independently at home, and support those in need of care to be safely housed.
Our work to deliver these commitments will directly contribute to the following National Well-being Goals:
- A prosperous Wales
- A healthier Wales
- A more equal Wales
- A Wales of cohesive communities
Next: Long-term goal 5
Previous: Long-term goal 3