Cymraeg is part of who we are and everything that we do. It’s our language and belongs to us all. It is part of our history, our heritage, and our culture. In a time where we all face many challenges, celebrating and encouraging ein llais Cymraeg (our Welsh language voice) can bring us together. We want everyone to join us, no matter how much Cymraeg you know, wherever you come from and wherever you live now in the county of Conwy.
Our vision is for a bilingual Conwy where people are confident and proud of their llais Cymraeg (Welsh voice), where Cymraeg is spoken in the family, the community, and the workplace, and where Welsh culture is celebrated and people feel they belong.
We aim to set an example in how Cymraeg is used in the workplace and how we deliver our services. Promoting Cymraeg is also about family, about community, schools, businesses, tourism, and most of all about people. Language is a people thing, and this plan aims to support people to grow understanding, goodwill, and hopefully a love of Cymraeg and its contribution to the culture, society, and economy of Conwy.
We hope you will join us on the journey to a million speakers of Cymraeg by 2050. Are you one in a million? If you’re a fully conversant Cymraeg speaker we need you too, to support others and help create the opportunities where Cymraeg can grow. As well as increasing the number of people able to speak some Cymraeg, we want more people to speak Cymraeg every day. We are supporting this by working together with local partners and clubs, such as Menter Iaith Conwy, Urdd Conwy, Young Farmers’, Mudiad Meithrin, Cymraeg for Kids, Coleg Llandrillo, Parents for Welsh Medium Education, and others. Along with planners, educators, and Councillors, they are part of our Fforwm Strategol y Gymraeg (Welsh Language Strategic Forum), which has helped put together this Strategy and will support it going forward. The challenge ahead is an exciting one, and through setting a strong vision, we are confident that we will be able to work together to successfully promote Cymraeg here in Conwy. Amdani! (Forward!).
Visit our new Welsh language and education landing page for more information on our supporting plans and strategies, and for further information on available help with learning.